Sunday, February 28, 2010

Personal Learning Networks

February 28, 2010:
Personal Learning Networks? I have never heard of this until now in my EDM 310 class. I still do not understand PLN, but I think it is suppose to help you keep track of what you are learning each day. I am beginning to understand PLN's purpose, but I am slowly understanding how to do it. In my PLN, I started by creating a twitter account. Then I added some stuff that I will be following: CNN, Breaking News, any music artists, and some other educational stuff. Like I said, I am beginning to understand, but as I keep learning about PLN, I am sure I will get better at it.

March 1, 2010:
As of recently, a friend of mine better explained to me how to do PLN if using Twitter. Basically, she said that if you are using twitter, all you do is follow people that you would want to learn from. It does not necessarily have to be people; it could be a website. So with a better understanding, I just recently started following Lisa Nielson, The Innovative Educator. I decided that I would follow her as part of the assignment in my EDM class. I will post further information later on in weeks to come about what I have learned from her.


  1. Hey Tiffany! Of course I remember you, I've only known you since elementary school! So how much longer do you have in your teaching degree, and what kind of teacher are you going to be?

  2. Beth Still suggests this Instant PLN to create a list of teachers to follow. Also you should read this NY Times article Getting the Most Out of Twitter

    And be sure you look at David and Jacki's new blog Mathis Gorski EDM310 Projects

    It does take time! That's why I had to get you started NOW!
