Sunday, February 28, 2010

Personal Learning Networks

February 28, 2010:
Personal Learning Networks? I have never heard of this until now in my EDM 310 class. I still do not understand PLN, but I think it is suppose to help you keep track of what you are learning each day. I am beginning to understand PLN's purpose, but I am slowly understanding how to do it. In my PLN, I started by creating a twitter account. Then I added some stuff that I will be following: CNN, Breaking News, any music artists, and some other educational stuff. Like I said, I am beginning to understand, but as I keep learning about PLN, I am sure I will get better at it.

March 1, 2010:
As of recently, a friend of mine better explained to me how to do PLN if using Twitter. Basically, she said that if you are using twitter, all you do is follow people that you would want to learn from. It does not necessarily have to be people; it could be a website. So with a better understanding, I just recently started following Lisa Nielson, The Innovative Educator. I decided that I would follow her as part of the assignment in my EDM class. I will post further information later on in weeks to come about what I have learned from her.

Week 7 Blog


In all honesty, I do not think I will be prepared to write with multi-media. I would to try though because I think it will be interesting. As for my future students, I think they will be able to do this considering how children are learning at earlier ages now. If they believe in themselves, then they should be able to do it. I would probably be able to write with multi-media if I had more faith in myself with technology. I only know enough about technology just to get by. I will have a lot to learn in the future.

In the video, I think I heard Dr. Miller saying something about getting away with reading and writing and do more with listening and watching. If he did say something like that, then I am not sure how I feel about that. I think we should rely on all four techniques no matter what. Being hearing impaired, it would be hard for me to listen considering how I cannot comprehend what is being said. I rely so much on visual learning than I do on listening learning.

I also think it is important to keep the writing and reading skills as well as gaining listening and watching skills. All four technique will help advance our knowledge all together. However, I think many people will probably choose listening and watching because they are faster. Yeah sure, listening and watching may be faster, but how is the pace of learning going to make any difference? It should not matter which technique is a faster way to learn as long as you not only learn it but understand it as well.


This may be an interesting video. I am not sure how I feel about this. The only thing I like about the video is the word connectivism. This type of learn is where students can connect and learn from other people all over the world. The only reason I like this word is because I think it is important to learn from other people, whether it is educational or personal. It will help students to gain knowledge about what is going on around them.

I do not think I can handle teaching the networked students. I am more of a hands on kind of person. When I say hands-on, I meant I would rather teach students in person than from online because this way I can help students immediately in classroom if needed. Beside, I would like to make sure that students understand everything and are doing their work.

Another reason I would not teach the networked students is because it is not guaranteed that students are motivated to do the online work on their own. Some students may be motivated to do homework, but what about the others who are not interested in doing homework. Plus, only going to school 3 days a week is probably not effective for students in high school and lower. Unless they are really active, how can we protect them from doing wrong things? Unless I am hearing this the wrong way about the networked student, I probably would not teach networked student.


It seems that Mr. Wesch was talking about the future is becoming a whatever evolution. That is an interesting thought. He goes on talking about how the media is changing the culture and each generation is different from the other generation. I think he calls my generation the MTV generation which is understandable and true. It make sense to call us the MTV generation because we do have short attention spans and we are narcissistic. This generation is changing based on media because we tends to learn from it and it affects us.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Anyone know how to make the letters look right on my blog posts? They are weird looking!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Week 6 Blog

Dr. Christie's Last Lecture

Wow!! Dr. Christie's last lecture is really intense. She reminds us that life is about learning new things. we are learning every day, even if we do not know it. We are learning to love, succeed, hope, and cope with anything around you. She also mentioned that we learn from everything around us. Information does not have to come from other people; it can come from anywhere whether it is experimenting, seeing, hearing, smelling, or feeling. She believes that it is important to embrace our learning skills and it will all build up to our success.

I totally agree everything that Dr. Christie said. I will use all her advice, especially the advice about no one being perfect. I know I am not perfect and I do not want to be perfect. I want to thrive on doing my best and continue to learn, so that I can be good enough to be myself. She also mentioned that it was important to have fun with what you are doing. I strongly believe that is important because if you are not going to have fun with what you are doing, then you will never be satisfied. I had planned on being a Marine Biologist, but I realized that I love dance and English more than I love Biology. So since I would be happy with English and dance, I am majoring in Secondary Education English with double minor in business and dance.

iTunes U

I think iTunes U seems interesting. It is also useful because it is another way to gain knowledge about what is going on around you. After all, not everyone will be able to afford education or attend to class every single class, so this will help each person to stay updated with their learning. People can download anything they want to learn about from iTunes U and it is cost efficient. After all, most lectures are free. You can check out this video on how to use iTunes U and its purpose through this website,

I decided to go on to iTunes U and check a lecture in the English/Literature department. I watched the episode lesson 38: The Return 2 by Dr. Joseph Hughes from LLT 121: Classical Mythology. I like the whole setup that the professor was being videoed during class. This way students will learn firsthand at home as if they were in class. Some of the things I learned in this lessons are: Scheria is the island of the Phaeacians, Penelope cannot do certain things because she is a female, Odysseus was in charge of the ship named Odyssey, and other things like how these people live their lives and their cultures. Interesting stuff; however, the teacher looks like he could use an energy drink. I do not mean to be rude about it, but I believe it is important to keep your audience interested in what you have to say.

I may consider using iTunes U in the future. I would not want my students to miss out on anything. But we will see when the future comes around.


I found an articles about teachers seeing Ipods as educational tools, which kind of surprises me because back in high school, ipods or other mp3 players were not allowed in classrooms. We had to either not bring it to school or keep it in our locker. Now, at Jamestown Elementary School in Virginia, teachers are saying that they can use ipods to read parts of a book, do interviews, record field trips and post them, and so much more. They would also do podcasts because they allow more interactive communications.
Camilla Gagliolo, the school's technology coordinator, believes that it makes sense to use ipods as educational tools because kids are so drawn to them. They are excited about them and they are so comfortable with them.
Their experience with ipods sounds useful and educational.

Duke University distributed 20GB Apple Ipod devices, each equipped with Belkins Voice Recorder, to over 1600 entering first year students in August 2004. Students were using ipods for audio courses, which reported that Ipods increased the frequency and depth of student interactions with audio course content through portable and flexible access offered by the ipods. Ipods allow students to have portable access to course content, to record lectures and discussions in classrooms, to record field notes, interviews, and environmental settings, to help students successfully study for the materials they have learned, and to store and transfer files they need. Many students and faculty find that using ipods are very useful because it ensures a better way to communicate interactively and a more efficient way to learn. You can find more information about Duke University's use of Ipod through this website:

Technology Literate Teacher

I believe that teachers should be literate enough with technology just to get by but at the same time, I think it is important that they will be willing to learn new things about technology. What I am trying to say is that teachers should not be perfectly literate with technology because it is not possible, just like it is not possible to know every single thing in the world today. Only God can know every single thing. We can only do so much. We as teachers should keep an open mind about technology; however, we do not absolutely have to know every single thing about technology. I know I would not be able to know everything about technology.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Week 5 Blog


When I was old enough to start researching stuff for school, I have always used wikipedia. When I reached the seventh grade or so, my teachers said do not use wikipedia. I never understood why until high school. From what I understand in high school, wikipedia was never reliable because the facts always change. I did not realize that people had the ability to get on to the wikipedia websites and change the facts themselves. And now, I just found out that a person can trace the IP address back to the person who changed the facts, thanks to Virgil Griffith.

Based on what I have read from the NPR stories about wikipedia, I do not think that I would ever used it again. According to the NPR, wikipedia is an open encyclopedia, meaning that anyone can access to the website and edit whatever they want to change. It is also not illegal, which I do not think is a good idea. People changing the facts everyday is not always a good idea because the facts will never be accurate. How can we expect to learn anything from wikipedia with people having the ability to change facts everyday?

It is okay to use wikipedia if you do not necessarily care about whether or not the facts are accurate. However, for educational purposes, it will not do you any good if the facts are not guaranteed accuracy. Either way, I will never use wikipedia because I will not trust the accuracy on the facts.

"What I've Learn this year" by
Mr. McClung

I really enjoyed Mr. McClung's essay. He included advices based on his experience as a teacher. He talked about reading the crowd, flexibility, communication, reasoning, not being afraid to use technology, listening to students, and never stop learning. I agree with everything he is saying.

As a teacher, you will need to be able to see of the student are comprehending anything you teach. You also need to be flexible because the way you teach will be different every time. Your lessons may not go as you plan. Communication is very important because you need to know what your students are or are not understanding. Teachers should also be reasonable. They should not always expect the highest of their students. It may take some time with a couple of students before they understand the materials. Technology are useful. They can help the teachers teach their lessons in a more effective way. Listening to students will help develop a better relationship between the student and teacher because it will help the teachers figure out a way how to help the students to be successful. Finally, teachers should never stop learning. Teachers need to stay up to date with today's world because they can teach more effectively to their students.

All of these are useful tips for me. I will definitely keep them in mind when I become a teacher.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Week 4 Blog

Integrating ICT into the MFL classroom: The benefits of podcasting in the classroom

I thought this video was very educational. It talks about some of the benefits of using podcasting in the classroom. It is very effective on students' interaction outside of classrooms. Today's students are familiar with the way they learn from podcasts, which becomes relevant to their education. Podcasting allows differentiation and project based learning.
It also gives student access to higher order thinking skills in Bloom's taxonomy. It promotes creativity and innovation as well as offering distance learning opportunities for absent students. Podcasting is simple and easy to use and allows different range of creativity. Students have the opportunity to record role plays in character making their learning more memorable. Finally, it allows parents to see and hear what is going on with their children at school. These are some great benefits.

I believe these benefits are amazing! I did not think I was going to use podcast in the future, but after watching this video and hearing some of these benefits, I may consider using podcast in the future. I would have to work on the podcast to make it useful with the possibility of having hearing disability students in my class. Of course, I could always work around these students; however, I believe it is important that all of the students are on the same page on some level.